
Reflecting on our shared history, our values and our common future is crucial in a world that is constantly accelerating, changing and evolving. As a museum, memorial, archive and documentation centre, we remain committed to preserving the collective memory of the Holocaust and to promoting human rights and respect for human dignity starting from this history.

We are proud to present the 2023 Annual Report of Kazerne Dossin. As we continue our efforts to tell and preserve the story of the Shoah, we also looked at ways to diversify our outreach and engage new generations and audiences on this important topic. One of the highlights of the past year was the launch of the Every Name Matters project. Despite the challenges associated with current conflicts, we managed to reach thousands of people and raise awareness about the fate of deportees and the value of recognition and respect. The temporary exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe also received a lot of attention. Our expo #FakeImages was on view at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Closer to home, we deepened our relationships with the football community.

Together we can continue to build a world in which the horrors of the past are not forgotten and where awareness of history can lead to a future of peace, justice, and respect for human dignity.

Tomas Baum
Director, Kazerne Dossin

2023 in figures

0 Visitors
0 Permanent exhibition 0 Temporary exhibitions
  • Homosexuals and lesbians in Nazi Europe
  • When are we going home?
  • Ground Shadows
  • Bringing Voices Alive and Becoming One
  • 31295 Kids and youngsters (in group or individually)
  • 5476 Adults on training courses
  • 27087 Adults in their free time
0 Events
0 Research center
0 Every name matters
  • 105740 Unique visitors to the website
  • 12610 Followers on social media

2023: an overview

16 January 2023

#FakeImages at the United Nations, New York


The temporary exhibition #FakeImages – Unmask the Dangers of Stereotypes continued its journey. It was on view at the United Nations headquarters in New York for the duration of one month as part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Staff and visitors learned more about the danger of stereotypes and the evolution of anti-Semitic images over time. Events on 25 and 26 January at the UN and the Center for Jewish History were organised in the margin of this exhibition.

#FakeImages at the United Nations

27 January 2023

International Holocaust Remembrance Day


On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, several ambassadors gathered at Kazerne Dossin to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. Eleven ambassadors from the United States, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Lithuania and France, among others, laid a wreath at the train car in front of the museum. After the wreath laying ceremony, the group visited the Memorial and museum.

29 January 2023

Book launch ‘Schwalbe’


Author Kurt De Swert launched his book Schwalbe at Kazerne Dossin. In it, he discussed an unexplored chapter in Belgian football and war history, highlighting the tragic fate of Jewish players, referees and trainers. After the talk we commemorated Solomon Meljado, a player of the Beerschot football club, who was deported from the Dossin Barracks and died in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

2 February 2023

Guest exhibition ‘When are we going home?’


The guest exhibition When are we going home? by artist duo Perbal & Bélibaste offers a child’s perspective on the war, with the artists drawing inspiration from a personal family story. Six Jewish people hid in Magali Perbal’s grandfather’s home during World War II. Ultimately, the refugees and her grandfather were rounded up and deported. A tragic event that led to a complex family trauma.

16 February 2023

Opening of the temporary exhibition ‘Homosexuals and lesbians in Nazi Europe’


The exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe opened on 16 February 2023 at Kazerne Dossin. Initially scheduled to run until 10 December 2023, the exhibition extended until 10 March 2024, due to its overwhelming success. The exhibition provided a historical overview of the oppression of gays and lesbians in various European countries, starting with the first gay movements at the end of the nineteenth century, after which it highlighted the persecution of homosexuals and lesbians, ending with the evolution of the commemoration and recognition of victims over time to the present day.

The exhibition was developed by the Mémorial de la Shoah, under the scientific direction of historian Florence Tamagne. Kazerne Dossin took over the expo, adding material relating to Belgium and the Netherlands and working with historians Wannes Dupont, Bart Hellinck, Marc Verschooris and Judith Schuyf, among others.

6 April 2023

New image databank


In spring 2023, Kazerne Dossin took an important step toward making its historic collections more accessible with a comprehensive update to its online image databank. This improvement supports the institution’s ongoing mission to keep the memory of the Holocaust and Human Rights alive and disseminate it, by making documents, photographs, and transportation lists more easily accessible to a wider audience.

Following the recent update, the image databank’s search functionality has been greatly improved, allowing researchers, educational institutions and relatives to navigate the collection more easily. Besides making the database more user-friendly, this development also increases efficiency of the work behind the scenes, where employees work hard to ensure the image databank is up to date. This also enables the organisation to keep the preserved stories alive and accessible to future generations.

23 April 2023

Heritage Day: animals in wartime


Beastly! was the theme of the 22nd Heritage Day, which focused on animals. We developed an interactive children’s trail for the occasion for the guest exhibition When are we going home?. Animals, including a barking dog, a hidden butterfly and a toy duck, played a key role in this exhibition by artist duo Perbal/Bélibaste. Children could discover these fragile sculptures made of wire, wood, metal and natural materials along with their parents, while learning all about the role of animals during the war.

13 May 2023

Book launch ‘Na de Razzia’


On 16 July 1942, Joseph Weismann, an 11-year-old Jewish boy, was arrested during a raid. Fortunately Joseph managed to escape with another boy. His parents and two sisters did not survive their deportation to Auschwitz. Joseph Weismann has been telling his poignant life story for several decades. His unique testimony gave rise to a film, a novel, and the graphic novel Na de Razzia (Après la rafle). On 13 May, illustrator Laurent Bidot, screenwriter Arnaud Delalande, and 91-year-old Joseph Weismann presented Na de Razzia to the press.

3 September 2023

Book launch ‘Natan Ramet’


Natan Ramet was one of just a handful of family members and friends to survive the camps. This book by Ronny Vandecandelaere evokes his horrific life story, besides explaining how Natan rebuilt his life after the Holocaust, becoming a key witness. Natan Ramet co-founded the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance, which was later renamed Kazerne Dossin.

9 September 2023

Guest exhibition ‘Ground Shadows’


On 29 and 30 September, a total of 33,771 Jews from Kyiv were massacred by Nazi forces at the Babyn Yar ravine, which now symbolises the Holocaust by bullets in Ukraine. Ukrainian artist Anna Zvyagintseva studied the trees of Babyn Yar, commemorating the victims of the Holocaust and modern warfare in her work.


4 October 2023

Start of ‘Every Name Matters’


On 4 October, our Every Name Matters remembrance project kicked off. The following survivors visited the memorial and museum on this occasion to record the names of their relatives: Regina Sluszny, Simon Gronowski, Jean Iarchy, Arthur Langerman, Emile Schwarz and Patricia Ramet (daughter of the museum’s founder, Natan Ramet who took the initiative for the Give them a face project).

They gave a speech to mark this special occasion and participated in a moment of remembrance along with other survivors. Several children also attended, making the evening even more meaningful. Simon Gronowski, now 93, gave a short piano recital with Kosta Jakić.

17 October 2023

Study day: LGBTI+ in secondary education


Çavaria and Kazerne Dossin joined forces for this study day for teachers on such topics as gender and sexual identity among young adults. Research was presented on the school experiences of LGBTI+ youth in Flemish schools and a panel discussion organised during which teachers could share their experiences. Teachers were also able to attend various inspiring and practice-oriented workshops. The study day was organised on the occasion of the temporary exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe.

29 October 2023

Book launch ‘Verloren’


Liesje Andriesse and her son spent four years fleeing Nazi violence, only to die in Auschwitz. When author Ingrid Vander Veken was shown the letters she wrote during the war, she decided to share Liesje’s story with the public. Verloren is a tragic life story and an engaging family saga about one of the darkest chapters in our history.

Author Ingrid Vander Veken presented her book Verloren, accompanied by music. After her talk, the documents that had been bequeathed by Liesje’s brother Lou Andriesse were officially handed over to Kazerne Dossin for preservation in the archive.

9 November 2023

Guest exhibition ‘Bringing Voices Alive and Becoming One’


Last year, LAB Gedreven Onderwijs, a secondary school in Puurs-Sint-Amands, developed a local history project with year 5 pupils in collaboration with the Kazerne Dossin documentation centre. The result was the guest exhibition Bringing voices alive and becoming one.

30 November 2023

Portrait Ceremony


In 2023, Kazerne Dossin organised its 11th Portrait Ceremony. On 30 November, 49 new photos were presented for inclusion on the remembrance wall. The names of 39 Jews from Belgium, who were deported from France, were also read out and their portraits revealed.

Portrait Ceremony

Public Outreach & Education

Bringing voices alive and becoming one project

LAB Gedreven Onderwijs, a secondary school in Puurs-Sint-Amands, developed a local history project in collaboration with the Kazerne Dossin documentation centre.Year 5 pupils spent eight weeks researching and recording the personal stories of children (in hiding), Jewish and Roma victims. They focused on the various mechanisms that may lead to genocide and the concept of bystander, upstander, and ordinary heroes. That way, they gave the victims a voice again. The result was the guest exhibition Bringing voices alive and becoming one.

The concept of Place Based Learning garnered a lot of interest in 2023. This was explained in detail with LAB Gedreven Onderwijs (a secondary school in Puurs-Sint-Amands) during a plenary session of the Bijzonder Comité voor Herinneringseducatie/Special Committee on Remembrance Education (BCH) and applied to the temporary exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe. During the Forum Day of the BCH and WIJ-ZIJ netwerk, Kazerne Dossin organised a workshop to demonstrate the concept with exercises to apply this concept in practice. Finally, the Bringing voices alive and becoming one project was presented online to future history teachers in Spain.

Audio Guide for people who are Deaf or Hearing-impaired

On the initiative of and in collaboration with non-profit organisation CREE and Musk, a museum tour was created for visitors who are deaf or hearing-impaired in the Belgian Sign Language of the French-language Community (LSFB). The tour is based on the stories of Anna and Léa, two deaf Jewish girls from Antwerp. Using a tablet visitors can learn more about the occupation of Belgium and the dramatic impact on the lives of these two young girls and their families.

A video clip in sign language is available at each stop during the tour. To help these visitors make their way through the museum more easily, we have also added a floor plan between videos that clearly indicates where the next stop is located. The introductory film has also been translated into sign language and can be viewed on the tablet.

Non-profit organisation CREE hosted an awareness session for the museum’s reception staff, during which they gained more insight into the lives of deaf people and the culture of the deaf. During this session, the staff practised communicating with visitors who are deaf or hearing-impaired during role-play exercises.

Multi-perspective Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Europe (MuRem)

MuRem, or ‘Multiperspective Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Europe, is a project that aims to contribute to the critical reflection on and strengthening of multiperspectivity and interdisciplinarity in European Holocaust education by considering the diversity of remembrance cultures and their impact on the present. Kazerne Dossin participated in the network meeting in Rome as a partner in the project and a member of the MuRem network, The emphasis during the meeting was on Holocaust education and remembrance in Italy, with special attention to the involvement of Jewish organisations. As part of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Rome, the community is working with other stakeholders to commemorate the persecution of Jews in Italy. During the meeting, Kazerne Dossin hosted a dialogue and practice session on “Remembering and working on or with a historic site”. 

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Every Name Matters

As part of the tenth anniversary of Kazerne Dossin, Memorial, museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and human rights, we are commemorating the 25,843 deportees from the Dossin Barracks with as many people as possible today.

This gave rise to the Every Name Matters project, where each deportee’s name and age is recorded by an individual in a language of their choice.

Together with partner organisations, we are looking for 25,843 individuals, who will each record the name of a person who was deported during World War II. This lasting memorial and commemoration project is unique because of its scale and the personal engagement it requires. Each participant will have the opportunity to remember and commemorate someone from the past in a personal and very concrete way.

By recording a name and letting it resonate in the memorial, participants express their support for values such as justice, solidarity and tolerance – standards they consider important in society. Kazerne Dossin provides biographical information and information about the context through various channels to make the past more tangible.

The project was launched on 4 October 2023. From 2025, all these names will resonate in the memorial space of the former barracks, as a monument to the memory of all those who were deported from the Dossin Barracks. This will complement the portrait wall in the museum. Because every name matters.

By the end of December 2023, a total of 3,348 (out of 25,843) names had already been recorded.

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This past year was also an intensive year for the guides of Kazerne Dossin. We set to work with a team of 65 guides, who collectively are proficient in nine languages. This year, they attended several trainings, meetings and activities, all aimed at promoting community building, learning, and improving guide skills.

During these continuing education sessions, we explored such themes as diversity and inclusion asking ourselves: How can we as guides really connect with visitors? We discovered that openness, recognition, authenticity and connecting words contribute to a positive connection. We also learned to encourage interaction rather than simply convey information to emphasise the importance of dialogue. Striking the right balance between conveying factual information and encouraging reflection and dialogue is far from easy. We will continue to provide support to further promote this in the coming years.

In addition, we invited an expert each month to discuss a specific topic in further detail. That way, we learned more about the Collection Vandevelde, which was presented to Kazerne Dossin for preservation by Mr Jo Peeters. Mr Nico Wouters shared his research on the role of the Belgian national railways in the deportations from the Dossin Barracks with us.

Guided tour Simon’s Story

In 2023, the Public Outreach & Education department revised the tour for children (10-12yo). As part of this revision, the tour was updated, resulting in a direct link between the historical story and today’s world. In addition, activating work formats for children were added that tap into the world around them. The revision has met with a positive response from guides, pupils and teachers.

Educational activities temporary exhibition

In the margin of the temporary exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe Kazerne Dossin also created an educational kit for young people, guided tours for groups, and a fringe programme with various activities. One such event was the successful study day on LGBTI+ in secondary education in cooperation with Çavaria as well as the event with Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, State Secretary for Equal Opportunities, Gender Equality and Diversity Marie-Colline Leroy, and representatives of the LGBTQIA+ umbrella organisations in Belgium (Çavaria, RainbowHouse Brussels, and Prisme).

I thought the educational aspect of this exhibition was very well developed. Definitely worth repeating. Most pupils and teachers found the approach offered tremendous added value because it really gave them pause for thought

Said one of the Kazerne Dossin guides.

Training Holocaust, Police and Human Rights (HPM)

In 2023, employees of the Integrated Police visited Kazerne Dossin on a weekly basis for training. During the first half of the year, 58 sessions were held, followed by another 39 sessions during the second half of the year. These sessions, which are given in Dutch and in French, were aimed at aspiring police officers and members of the Belgian Federal and Local Police. A total of 1,431 participants attended the sessions, a slight decline in the number of participants compared with the previous year. On the one hand, we organised fewer sessions compared to the previous year; on the other hand, the average number of participants per session has also decreased.

During the first half of the year, 14 police officers completed their training to become HPM (Holocaust, Politie en Mensenrechten/Holocaust, Police and Human Rights) coaches. They all received their diplomas and most of them accompanied one or more groups in 2023.


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Directorate General for Correctional Facilities (DG EPI)

Our successful cooperation with the prison system continued in 2023. In mid-June, the Minister of Justice, DG EPI and Kazerne Dossin signed a structural cooperation agreement.

French-speaking participants started taking guided tours of the museum. These tours consist of a customised itinerary focusing on human rights, detention and deprivation of liberty, facilitating the link with their field of work. The visits were prepared at the correctional staff training centre using an E-learning module. After the visit, the participants discussed the tours during a workshop. A total of 142 participants visited Kazerne Dossin.

On the Dutch-speaking side, seventeen training sessions were organised for 194 participants.

Learning pathways / justice and football

In 2023, Kazerne Dossin organised learning pathways as a constructive response to racism, anti-Semitism, and discrimination, as part of a collaboration with various partners in the judiciary and football community. In addition to the Pro League, the Royal Belgian Football Association, and the public prosecutors of Antwerp, Leuven and Limburg, the public prosecutors of East Flanders and Halle-Vilvoorde have now also signed a cooperation agreement with Kazerne Dossin in 2023.

Learning pathways are always customised, tailored to the individual client and the offences they committed. In 2023, 15 individual visitors visited Kazerne Dossin as part of these pathways, many of whom were very grateful for the experience.


The football community can also request museum visits as an alternative measure for groups and families. Kazerne Dossin reached an additional 120 people through these programmes, most of whom responded positively. They described it as “a very meaningful and informative afternoon” and “an informative experience that is presented in a professional manner”.

To raise awareness of these learning pathways, Kazerne Dossin organised several tours for stakeholders in 2023. About two hundred judges, magistrates and judicial assistants took a sample tour to get a better idea of the learning pathway they recommend to clients.

In addition, about 350 club employees, players and supporters attended the preventive group tour on football, including a group of football supporters with dementia. Where possible, these tours were always adapted to the needs and interests of visitors.

In 2022, Kazerne Dossin and the Pro League organised a basic training which focused on sportsmanship and we-them in football for representatives of all Belgian professional clubs.In autumn 2023, KRC Genk committed to a longer depolarisation programme, which was tailored to its own club, under the guidance of Kazerne Dossin.

On the international level, we had the opportunity to collaborate with other stakeholders during the Football and Antisemitism training in Oświęcim, Poland (from 2 to 5 March 2023). This was an initiative of the German organisation What Matters which is part of the European Networks Overcoming Antisemitism (NOA) umbrella project.

Wij-Zij – Netwerk/We-Them Network

The mission of this network is to provide professionals with guidance on how to deal more effectively with polarisation and conflict. Our goal is to promote a society in which a conscious and methodical approach of polarisation is the norm, fostering deeper social cohesion. We share strategies and act as an informational hub on issues of polarisation based on an internal network dynamic.

In 2023, Wij-Zij continued its activities, organising study days, creating videos, setting up an exclusive networking event for alumni of the polarisation strategist training and an exchange in Amsterdam with the network. This served as inspiration, giving the participants a better idea of how they approach and set up depolarising activities there. In addition, Wij-Zij co-organised the security conference on Polarisation and Connectedness, with the governor of Antwerp and Kazerne Dossin, which took place in May 2023.

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Bijzonder Comité voor Herinneringseducatie/Special Committee for Remembrance Education

The Special Committee on Remembrance Education (BCH) is a partnership between various actors in the wider heritage sector offering education-oriented activities and actors in the education sector, more specifically the umbrella organisations of education providers. All parties involved endorse the BCH’s vision and are committed to its implementation. Kazerne Dossin plays an active role in this.

The partners of the BCH believe that the power of history lies in its ability to teach us something today, no matter how complex it may be. While studying the past does not always yield ready-made solutions and learnings, it can raise relevant questions about the world we live in today and the future we want to pursue.

In March 2023, we organised a forum day for the network on Learning together from the past: How to deal with sensitive issues. A review process was initiated in autumn to submit a new multi-year policy plan to the Flemish government.

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International visit

In 2023, several colleagues with an interest in the activities of the Public Outreach & Education departments of various organisations visited our museum and memorial. We welcomed colleagues from the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland and researchers in Criminological Sciences from the Philippines for police training.

External events

In 2023, we saw a 55% increase in venue rentals compared with 2022. 

Due to a change in our approach to tours, our two educational spaces are available more often, meaning there are more opportunities to hire these venues.

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Internships and volunteers

In 2023, the Public Outreach & Education coached 4 interns. 14 volunteers have contributed time as part of the Every Name Matters project.

Collections & Research

0 Bequests
0 Publications
0 New photographs
for the portrait wall
0 Digital requests for
the research centre
0 New collections in the digital image bank


Collection Calixte Vandevelde

A few weeks after the liberation of the Dossin Barracks on 4 September 1944, the Regie van Telegrafie en Telefonie (RTT) sent their employee Calixte Vandevelde to the former SS-Sammellager in Mechelen. He was tasked with restoring the telephone lines in the building so it could serve as an internment centre for (alleged) collaborators. Calixte found several dozen objects in the abandoned barracks, which he safely stored, handing them down to his grandson Jo Peeters in 2013 who is the curator of the House of the Franco-Belgian Resistance in Tielt-Winge. In 2023, Jo Peeters and his wife Sofie Van Krunkelveldt handed over the Vandevelde collection for preservation to Kazerne Dossin. Kazerne Dossin thanks them for their cooperation and trust.

Collection Rochman-Malberg family

The Rochman-Talberg family arrived in Belgium in 1928. They had to leave France because of the communist activism of their second son Charles. He pursued his political activism in Belgium, where he was under surveillance by the State Security Service. During the occupation, his mother Syma Talberg was deported. His older brother Chaim Rochman and Chaim’s wife, his sister Ruchla Rochman and her baby, and his youngest brother Bernard Rochman were also deported. Charles Rochman was executed as a resistance fighter. Chaim's two children were the only family members to survive the Holocaust. In 2023, Chaim's granddaughter Rosa Rochman asked Kazerne Dossin to digitalise the family's photo albums. She is currently working on a podcast about her family history.

Collection Tertaas-Huijsman family

A Dutch Jew and diamond cutter, Hartog Tertaas travelled back and forth between Antwerp and Amsterdam with his wife Clara Huijsman in the years before World War II. Their daughters Rebecca and Jacomina were both born in Belgium. Rebecca Tertaas escaped deportation as she was married to a non-Jewish Belgian. Hartog, his wife, and their youngest daughter Jacomina were deported from the Dossin Barracks. None of them returned from the camps. In 2021, the citizens' initiative Struikelstenen in Deurne placed a Stolperstein for them. On that occasion, Saskia Verachtert, the granddaughter of Rebecca Tertaas, had her family photos digitalised by Kazerne Dossin.

Collection Zeliesnikas-Wagman family

Marie Zeliesnikas was born in Brussels in 1930 and survived World War II in hiding in Jemappes. During a raid on her family's flat in Anderlecht, her elderly grandmother was captured. Marie's parents, Leon and Rifka, were arrested a few days later at a neighbour's house where they had gone in hiding. They managed to send a letter from the Dossin Barracks to their daughter's rescuers. A letter for Marie which they were able to throw out of the train car while on deportation transport XII was also delivered to Marie, who cherished this last message from her parents all her life until her death in 2021. In 2023, Marie's children donated the original letter to Kazerne Dossin.

Collection Feder-Rubner family

Abraham Hersz Feder married Eva Rubner in Antwerp and together they had a son, Jacques David Feder, in May 1938. Their house at 16 Thaliastraat was a warm home, which they shared with Eva's mother, Sara Schnitzer, and rented from the Van Bergen family. On 12 September 1942, tragedy stuck when Eva Rubner was arrested during a major raid in Antwerp. While she was deported to Auschwitz, Abraham Feder was in northern France, working as a forced labourer. Eventually he was also deported.He died at Auschwitz-Birkenau on 19 January 1943. Their son Jacques David Feder temporarily stayed with Mrs Van Bergen after his mother's arrest.He was subsequently rescued by the Belgian resistance and sent to live with a resistance family on a farm. Several years before his death, Jacques David Feder decided to compile a folio of his most important documents from his early life in Belgium. In 2023, Andrew Feder gave Kazerne Dossin permission to partially archive this collection both physically and digitally.

Collection Charles Benedictus

The Belgian-Jewish Benedictus family had a successful cigar factory in Antwerp in the late nineteenth century. They were highly regarded within the Jewish community. During World War II, their youngest son Maurice served on the board of the Society of Jews. This was established by the occupying forces to coordinate Jewish social life and later to prepare the deportations. Maurice fled to Portugal in late 1942, where he drafted a report on the situation in Belgium. Their eldest son Charles also managed to flee Belgium for Congo, where he joined the army. After the war, he returned to Antwerp to continue the family business. In 2023, Kazerne Dossin was able to digitalise a number of unique family records thanks to the grandchildren of Charles Benedictus.

Collection Bornstein family

The Bornstein family lives in Antwerp, Belgium. Herman Bornstein was born on 10 December 1890 in Ladomirova, Czechoslovakia.He moved to Belgium in 1928 where he started a kosher poultry farm. He married Betty Schachner, who was also born in Ladomirova, on 17 January 1896. They had five children, namely Franciska, Berta, Samuel, Rezi and Lora. Franciska married Abraham Kampf and had a son, called Arthur Kampf. They were both deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where they died. Berta married Izrael Gunzburg and had a son, called Albert Gunzburg. Izrael was also deported and died in Auschwitz-Birkenau. After losing her husband and son, Berta tried to protect her other children and survive during the war. She eventually managed to escape to Switzerland with her children. In 2023, David Wasserman gave Kazerne Dossin permission to digitally archive six photographs from this collection.

Collectie Sara Weis-ova

Sara Weis-ova was born in Czechoslovakia. She arrived in Belgium in autumn 1938, settling in Antwerp and working as a maid. She lived with her aunt Chaja Gutkind and her cousin Gilbert Furcage on Turnhoutsebaan. Her occupation was not officially recorded, but essentially she was Gilbert’s nanny. In early August 1942, Sara Weis-ova received an Arbeitseinsatzbefehl or employment order. Chaja Gutkind and Gilbert Furcage tried to convince her not to heed this order, but on 11 August Sara Weis-ova reported for registration in the Dossin Barracks. On 15 August 1942, she was forced to board a train and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where she died. In 2023, Gilbert Furcage gave Kazerne Dossin permission to digitise two photographs of him and Sara Weis-ova that were taken in 1941.

Collection Lobe-Moens family

Daniel Lobe, born in Amsterdam, married Bertha Moens in Antwerp in 1932. They had three children, namely Bartha, Ivan and Caroline Louise. Daniel worked as a clerk for a printing company. On 21 August 1942, Daniel's parents, Hartog and Marianne, arrived at the Dossin Barracks.One week later, they were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where they were both murdered. Daniel was registered at the Dossin Barracks on the same day that their transport left. After a long period of internment, he finally regained his freedom on 17 May 1943, by providing proof of his ancestry to the authorities. He demonstrated his Mischehe (mixed marriage) status, stating that he was engaged to Bertha Moens. Remarkably, the couple and their children survived the war. In 2023, Arnold Neels gave Kazerne Dossin permission to archive and digitise the German ancestry file of his in-laws.

Donations to the library

Kazerne Dossin wishes to thank the following individuals for their donations to the library: Serge Klarsfeld, Willy Engels, Ward Adriaens, David Bommarito, Dudu Amitaï, Christian Van Kimenade, Patricia Ramet, Anne Velghe, Myriam Spira, and Jessy & Ronny Van de Velde.

The following institutions have also enriched our library through their donations: Stichting Gillès, l’Association philatélique du pays d’Aix, les éditions Lamiroy and the Mémorial de la Shoah.

Thanks to their support in 2023, we were able to add 126 new books to our library. At the end of 2023, the library had a collection of 9,896 books. Many duplicates have been removed from the library; books from before 1950 have been transferred from the regular library to the Preciosa collection, which is still under development. The inventories and catalogues have been revised, improved, and are now also available online.

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Donations to the archive

Kazerne Dossin is especially grateful to the following people for their donations to the archive: Marcel Apsel, Gigi and Guy Benedictus, Michel and Myriam Both, Rob Bouman, Berthe Rosette Brandeis, Ghislaine Decker-Kloeck, Catharina Deckx and Guy De Mol, Lisa Diner, Daphna Epstein-Riff, Andrew Feder, Clara Fischman, Arnold Fridland, Colette Gilles de Fontenailles and her son Philippe Van Dooren, Philippe Golbert-Zagrai, Rosette, Monique and Denise Gross (sisters), Tania Gutwein-Stanger, Anne and Catherine Herscovici, Ann Huber, Alain and Laurence Kleinberger, Michele Komar, Koninklijke Kring voor Heemkunde Kontich, Paul Krellstein, his son Bruno Krellstein and his grandchildren Thomas and Elisabeth Krellstein, Maximilien Kutnowski, Arnold Neels, Jo and Sofie Peeters-Van Krunkelveldt, Liliane Reisdorf, Rosa Rochman, Tony Samuel, Emile Schwarz, Myriam Silberman and her son Eric Fux, Myriam Spira, Gary Swergold, Paul Van Orshoven, Saskia Verachtert, Rik Verbist, Patrick Verwerft and David Wasserman.

Kazerne Dossin thanks all the researchers, family members, and friends of deportees who made available photos for inclusion on the Portrait Wall.

Kazerne Dossin wishes to extend a very special word of thanks to the late Mr Norbert Vos-Obstfeld, who died on 13 May 2023 (read his obituary here). He actively contributed to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance and later Kazerne Dossin.

Image database

In 2023, Kazerne Dossin received 36 new donations. In 15 instances, our organisation received the original documents. The remaining collections consist of files that were already digitalised or were scanned on the spot by the team. All the documents, photographs and precious printed documents that we received were then described at the full collection level according to international standards and added to the image databank. Thanks to the efforts of our volunteers, all these items were then described individually. We conducted further research on the many photos to find out where and when they were taken, who is depicted, and what was the fate of these people. This past year, 42 archival collections were uploaded and made available in the image databank in elaborate details, including new acquisitions and donations from previous years.

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Physical archive

Originals that are managed by Kazerne Dossin are preserved in the climate-controlled depot. Packaging in photo sleeves, acid-free covers, and boxes was done on site. In 2023, Kazerne Dossin once again collaborated with students and professors from the conservation-restoration programme at the University of Antwerp to correctly package dozens of precious objects for storage. During a practical on 29 March, 20 Bachelor students got to package metal, leather and wooden objects, such as a violin and some travel cases. They designed a sturdy, shock-resistant museum foam holder for each object, so the objects could be safely stored and transported in Raco crates.


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Display case with changing displays

On 10 March 2023, Kazerne Dossin inaugurated a new display case. An installation was developed with the much-appreciated support of the Fondation Berler that allows us to bridge the gap between the museum and the Memorial. Objects from the daily lives of Jewish residents of Belgium, who were persecuted and in some cases also deported, direct visitors from the permanent exhibition to the memorial rooms in the old barracks building. The installation and display case can be found at the museum’s main entrance, with the display changing every four months and covering a wide range of personal objects and stories.

The first item on display was the leather work bag of Fritz Mandler, an electrician who was interned at the Dossin Barracks from the autumn of 1942 until liberation. Henri, Fritz’s son, and his children attended the inauguration. From July 2023, the desk of two deported children, i.e., Aline and Jacques Klajn, was on display in the case. This little office desk was entrusted to Kazerne Dossin by their niece Betti Blaugrund. In October, items from the Calixte Vandevelde collection were displayed, including four personal objects of Jews who were deported from the Dossin Barracks and which Calixte, an employee of the RTT, found and stored in hopes of returning them to their rightful owners after the liberation while working in the abandoned building.

Interview project

In 2023, Kazerne Dossin again interviewed Holocaust survivors. With the disappearance of the last witnesses, preserving their stories for posterity becomes an increasing priority. That’s how the team was introduced to the Gross family. The interview was organised on the occasion of Rosette Gross-Becker’s memoirs. Although she was born just after the war, she had detailed knowledge of the story of her family who managed to survive the war in hiding in Belgium. The team was able to interview both Rosette and her sisters Monique Gross-Banne and Denise Gross-Feibusch, each with their own memories of World War II. Thanks to the interview and some digitalised photographs, the Gross-Limonik collection was added to the Kazerne Dossin archive in 2023. In addition, the team was introduced to Myriam Silberman, whose childhood years were spent in hiding by Baroness Regina Sluszny. Her testimony was professionally recorded by Myriam’s son Eric Fux. The family archives were also digitalised, forming the Silberman-Holzer collection.


In 2023, our digitalisation team scanned 420 files, consisting of 44,882 scans. The remaining files of the Verwaltung Müller, a German administration that claimed income from Jewish property, were also scanned. A brief investigation into this organisation yielded several files from the military court that were scanned in July. None of the organisation’s employees were punished for their activities, but some were prosecuted for other offences. As a result of this research, two texts on the Verwaltung Müller have been published to the research centre’s website, with more texts to possibly follow.

This was followed by a larger project to scan the archives of the Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft (BTG). Like the one above, this extensive archive deals with spoliation, but instead of real estate (properties), it focused on movable property such as money, stocks and bonds, valuable objects such as precious stones or precious metals. The BTG was a company established by a section of the German military administration (Gruppe XII) whose purpose was to appropriate funds derived from property owned by enemy powers and Jews.

European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI)

Kazerne Dossin is an active consortium partner of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI). EHRI is currently working towards becoming a stable, permanent organisation by 2025. Kazerne Dossin coordinates the content of the EHRI Portal. In 2023, it contributed to the reporting on the contextualisation of the original and copy archives and findings on specific thematic research themes in the Portal. Representatives of Kazerne Dossin actively participated in several meetings and workshops in Israel, Greece, and Serbia.

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In 2023, archivist Dorien Styven teamed up with Dr Janiv Stamberger, coordinator of the Peace Centre and Antwerpen Herdenkt, for a study of Jewish partisans in the organised resistance in Belgium during World War II. Among other things, they examined how many Jewish men and women were recognised as resistance fighters after the war, in which organisations they were active, and how this compares to the non-Jewish population. Thanks to this research, many new, personal stories of Jewish resistance fighters have come to light. The first research results were presented at a study day of the Algemeen Rijksarchief – Cegesoma in Antwerp on 10 May 2023.

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

The IHRA organised two plenary meetings under the Croatian presidency: one in June in Dubrovnik and one in November in Zagreb. Kazerne Dossin was represented at both meetings. Veerle Vanden Daelen chaired the IHRA’s Monitoring Access to Holocaust Collections project. Its Recommendations on Archival Access were approved during the Zagreb Plenary.


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Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)

Since 2016, Kazerne Dossin has been a member of the DARIAH network (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) and a co-founder of the Sustainable Publishing of Metadata working group. Kazerne Dossin participated in virtual and physical meetings organised in 2023 in this capacity. In addition, the museum actively contributed to expanding the membership of this working group.

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Portrait Ceremony

On 30 November 2023, Kazerne Dossin organised its 11th annual portrait ceremony. During this ceremony, 49 portraits/photos of deportees, that were found in the past year, were added to the memorial wall in the museum. The names of 39 Jewish victims who lived in Belgium but were deported from Drancy in France were also read out.Their portraits were also added to the collection last year.

Curator Veerle Vanden Daelen shared some moving stories about the portraits that were found. She also discussed the collaboration with the Struikelstenen in Deurne citizens’ initiative, which installs Stolpersteine or memorial plaques for victims of World War II in this Antwerp district. Several photos were found thanks to the support of this team. She also reflected on the story of Austrian professional football player Norbert Lopper: the photo of his brother Herbert was also added to the portrait wall in 2023. Archivist Dorien Styven elaborated on Anni Buchbaum’s story. Her photo was recovered by Jo Peeters, the curator of the House of the Franco-Belgian Resistance.

The photographs that were added to the memorial wall at Kazerne Dossin in 2023 came from the General State Archives, the Archives Caen, the House of the Franco-Belgian Resistance, the Johannes Blum collection, relatives and friends of the deportees, and researchers from around the world. Kazerne Dossin wishes to thank them for their support.

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Kazerne Dossin continued its intense collaboration with the City of Antwerp. The exhibition City at War. Antwerp, 1940-1945 opened on 8 September 2023 in Museum aan de Stroom (MAS). The MAS has worked closely with Kazerne Dossin since 2020 for the section on the persecution of the Jews. The team provided input, expertise,and items for this exhibition. The City of Antwerp also relied on the assistance of Kazerne Dossin for the organisation of the Open Huizen remembrance weekend.

The team also collaborated with Diane von Furstenberg and Arthur Langerman for two documentaries about themselves and their families, who were victims of the persecution and deportation of Jews from the Dossin Barracks.

Kazerne Dossin was also an active partner in the History Olympiad, inviting a group of last-year students from GO! Voskenslaan in Ghent for a tour of the memorial and museum and coaching them as they prepared a remembrance project on Jewish pupils who attended their school.

We accompanied three groups on their study trip to Poland. We joined the first group during their one-day visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau on 21 March.The trip was organised by Radio Judaica for its listeners.

We also accompanied two groups of young people: a group from Jeunesse juive laïque (CCLJ) from 3 to 5 March and a group from Maison des Jeunes de Soignies from 25 to 27 July. They were given a guided tour of the ghetto of Cracow, the town of Kazimierz, the Belgian pavilion in Auschwitz, and Birkenau.

Talks and conferences

Tomas Baum, ‘Museums as moral spaces. How do we bring commemoration, memory, history and education under one roof? A roundtable on issues, dilemmas and professional challenges.’ Workshop voor Congress Living With War, The Hague, 3 October 2023.

Veerle Vanden Daelen, Contribution on #FakeImages in Module 3 “Elargir l’Espace Muséal”, and, together with Laurent Bigot, roundtable “Faire face aux dangers de la désinformation”, both in the context of “Fake News machen keine Geschichte!”, organised by the Goethe Institut Lyon-Marseille, 25 October 2023.

Veerle Vanden Daelen, ‘Kazerne Dossin’, visit and talk for “New Beginnings: Summer School on Jewish Studies”, organised by the Institute of Jewish Studies of the University of Antwerp, the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School for the Advanced Study in the Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Mechelen, Kazerne Dossin, 10 July 2023 (

Veerle Vanden Daelen, ‘The Children – Which Future? Discussions on (legal) guardianship of Jewish children after the liberation in Belgium”, presentation accompanying “Issues Pertaining to Guardianship of Child Survivors”, The Diana and Eli Zborowski Center for the Study of the Aftermath of the Holocaust, 2023 Annual Workshop on the Aftermath of the Holocaust, Zoom workshop, 27 June 2023.

Dr Jonathan Brent (YIVO), Dr Pamela Nadell (American University), Dr Veerle Vanden Daelen (Kazerne Dossin), Dr Uffa Jensen (TU Berlin) and Dr Gavriel Rosenfeld (Center for Jewish History), Panel Discussion “Unmasking Antisemitism”, New York, Center for Jewish History, 26 January 2023 (

Internship supervision, volunteers and Article 60 employees

In 2023, the Collections and Research team was once again able to rely on a strong team of passionate volunteers. Two volunteers took care of digitalising recent acquisitions for the Kazerne Dossin archive and scanning previously received donations. One of them searched for missing portraits for the memorial wall at the museum in existing collections. The other five volunteers worked on improving access to the content of our archival collections: they described photographs or created indexes to make it easier to search archives using personal names as keywords. Examples include the index cards with data on the looting of Jewish homes, the lists of children in hiding, and the archives of the Jewish Society.

In 2023, the Collections and Research team was also able to rely on the assistance of three individuals, who were matched with Kazerne Dossin by the Huis van de Mechelaar, with ‘Article 60’ employment contracts. Our intern Emma, a student at KU Leuven, also helped the team answer questions about deportees as a result of the Every Name Matters project.

Kazerne Dossin would like to thank Alexander, Christophe, Dirk, Emma, Erik, Filip, Gil, Hilde, Ilse, Jo, Roland and Tim for their commitment and their indispensable help in increasing the archive’s accessibility.

Talks and conferences

Laurence Schram, Préparation au voyage en Pologne, CCLJ, Brussels, 17 February 2023.

European Days of Jewish Culture, Lisa Saloch (ASF), Aline Benain (Adath Shalom, Paris), Laurence Schram, European polices and the lessons of the Shoah & participation in the Panel: “Commemorating the Shoah – yes, but how?”, Paris, Mémorial de la Shoah, Lecture, 22-23 February 2023,

Laurence Schram, Train d’espoir, Train d’Enfer, Study Day “Le Transport XX”, Fondation Auschwitz-Musée juif de Belgique, Brussels, 19 April 2023.

Laurence Schram, La Shoah en Belgique, Study Day “Ne meurent que ceux que l’on oublie – Les disparus de Gatti de Gamond”, Mémorial de la Shoah, 4 May 2023.

Laurence Schram, Préparation au voyage en Pologne, Maison des Jeunes de Soignies-CCLJ, Soignies, 1 July 2023.

Laurence Schram, Les Tsiganes du convoi Z à Malines, “Study day: les rafles des juifs et des tsiganes”, Musée de la Résistance, Bondues (France), 26 November 2023.

Dorien Styven and Janiv Stamberger, Het georganiseerd Joods verzet in Antwerpen: een stand van zaken, General State Archives – Cegesoma, Study day ‘Steeds Verenigd?’, Antwerp, 10 May 2023.

Dorien Styven, Kazerne Dossin – een virtueel plaatsbezoek in het depot, Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief en Documentatie, study day ‘Leeszaalmedewerker Archief’, Mechelen, 19 September 2023.

Dorien Styven, Every Name Matters. Connecting historical and recent data for a modern commemoration project, Database conference, Westerbork, 12 October 2023


Styven Dorien & Veerle Vanden Daelen, ‘6.5 Craving News from Dear Ones: The Impact of Organisation Todt Forced Labour on the Survival Chances of the Families of the Jewish Workers from Antwerp’. New Microhistorical Approaches to an Integrated History of the Holocaust, edited by Frédéric Bonnesoeur, Hannah Wilson and Christin Zühlke, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg (2023): pp. 345-360.

Crahay Frédéric & Veerle Vanden Daelen (eds.), Trains and the Holocaust. From a Symbol of Progress to a Genocidal Tool. The use of trains in the Militärverwaltung Belgien und Nordfrankreich (1940-1944), Brussels (Auschwitz Foundation): 2023 (ISBN 978-2-930953-24-3).

Schram Laurence, 19 avril 1943. Le Transport XX : Train de libération, train d’enfer /

Schram Laurence, “Laurien Vastenhout, Between Community and Collaboration. ‘Jewish Councils’ in Western Europe under Nazi Occupation” (Review), in: Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis, LIII, Brussels, 2023, 4, pp. 127-128.

Schram Laurence, “A ghetto without walls”, in : Együttélés, összeomlás, újrakezdés, 2023/2, Holocaust Memorial Centre of Budapest, pp. 80-94 (Paper presented at the international conference titled: Separated from the Society – The Jewish Ghettos in Europe and Hungary). Also available online.

Schram Laurence, “A Place in the Mist: The Mysterious Dossin Barracks in Mechelen”, in: Matteo Cassani Simonetti and Roberta Mira (eds), Camps of Transit, Sites of Memory. European Perspectives in the Twentieth Century, Peter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Brussels, New York, Vienna, 2023, pp. 77-95.

Schram Laurence, in: Crahay Frédéric & Vanden Daelen (Eds), Trains and the Holocaust: From a Symbol of Progress to a Genocidal Tool: The use of Trains in the Militärverwaltung Belgien und Nordfrankreich (1940-1944), Brussels, 2023, pp. 19-27.

Styven Dorien, “Left Behind: the deportation of obligatory slave labourers from Antwerp and their families”, in: Crahay, Frédéric & Veerle Vanden Daelen (eds.), Trains and the Holocaust. From a Symbol of Progress to a Genocidal Tool. The use of trains in the Militärverwaltung Belgien und Nordfrankreich (1940-1944), Brussels (Auschwitz Foundation): 2023 (ISBN 978-2-930953-24-3).

Communication and Relationship management

0 Unique visitors to the website
0 Followers on social media
0 Press articles

Website and social media

In 2023, a total of 105,740 unique visitors visited the Kazerne Dossin websites, the Memorial website, the #FakeImages website, and

With 500+ posts, stories and tweets on social media, the follower base of Kazerne Dossin grew by nearly 19% (18.59%) in 2023%.

  • Facebook: From 7,026 to 7,659 followers (up 9%)
  • Instagram: From 1,610 to 1,999 followers (up 24.6%)
  • LinkedIn: From 721 to 997 followers (up 38.28%)


In 2023, the communications department also communicated through a general newsletter. This has become increasingly successful.

  • 9,907 subscribers (up 9.6%)
  • 35 newsletters
  • 104,864 emails sent (up 32%)
  • Opened mails: 43% (up 9.6%)
  • E-mail clicks per mail: 3.2% (up 9.4%)
  • Unsubscribers: 381 or 0.37% (20% decrease)


In 2023, Kazerne Dossin was featured in the press 1,178 times. 269 times in newspapers, 102 times in a magazine, 743 times online and 64 in a dispatch from a press agency. In February and October, the institution attracted a lot of attention following the opening of the temporary exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe and the kick-off of the Every Name Matters project. April and November were especially fruitful, however. In April, several articles were published on our football project and Heritage Day.In November, our organisation was in the picture when Prime Minister De Croo visited Kazerne Dossin.

Radio and television

Employees were asked to share their expertise on several occasions, during interviews or reports and podcasts of media or institutions:

  • Dr Veerle Vanden Daelen gave an interview on 27 January on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day about the #FakeImages exhibition.
  • Director Tomas Baum was invited for several interviews, on radio, TV and in newspapers, to talk about the new exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe.
  • Tijdens de oorlog was ik Solange, podcast by Sophie De Schampheleire, with a contribution by Dorien Styven, August 2023.
  • Anne-Sophie Van Vyve and director Tomas Baum were invited to share the story behind Every Name Matters with various media platforms: VRT Radio1, RTV, Nieuwsblad, De Morgen, HLN
  • Dorien Styven was interviewed about the unique donation by Jo Peeters. (Radio 2 – Dorien Styven)

Feedback from our visitors

Martine Hemels Jens Coppens Tim Van Vaernewyck
Jessica De Roover Rene Malomgre Geert De Fré



  • Full-time employees20
  • Women11
  • Men9
  • Part-time employees9
  • New hires6
  • Exiting employees8
  • Seconded employees (integrated police)2
  • Guides64
  • Volunteers 48
  • HPM (Holocaust, Police and Human Rights) coaches55
  • Interns5
  • Social employment1
  • Student workers8

In 2023, we noticed an uptick in staff turnover. Eight people left the organisation, with six new hires joining the team.

Kazerne Dossin paid attention to well-being and welfare in the workplace and the work-life balance of its employees. We organised several formal and informal team meetings, as well as collective discussions on various topics. Regular teleworking was also continued in 2023. New working regulations were also introduced in 2023.The main change was the new leave policy for employees under the age of 45. Since then, they are working 14 or 24 minutes longer every day, receiving up to 12 days of additional leave per year in lieu of compensation. With this policy, Kazerne Dossin accommodated the request of younger employees to expand limited statutory leave rights with opportunities for additional leave

Training & Education

In 2023, Kazerne Dossin employees took a wide range of courses and training, both collective and individual, which focused on technical skills and personal development.

At the beginning of the year, we worked with an external training agency to develop a DEI course. Our guides followed a similar training.

A series of collective training courses were also organised to deepen staff knowledge of the CRM programme. Reception and ticket desk staff attended an annual first aid course and an awareness session on welcoming people who are deaf or hearing-impaired. We also organised regular training, talks and courses for guides that touch upon subjects relating to their work and our activities.

The staff of Kazerne Dossin employees also attended many training courses on an individual basis; language courses or training on topics such as marketing, anti-Semitism in sports, polarisation, conversation techniques, socio-legal developments, graphic design…


Subsidies and partners

In working year 2023, Kazerne Dossin received structural funding from the Government of Flanders. The Belgian National Lottery continued to provide support for the maintenance of the Belgian pavilion in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. The temporary exhibition Homosexuals and Lesbians in Nazi Europe received support from In addition, Kazerne Dossin received project funding from the European Commission for two EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) projects.


Friends and donations

In 2023, we welcomed 35 new friends to Kazerne Dossin. To thank them, we invited them for a tour of the temporary exhibition on 15 October. On this occasion, they also recorded a name as part of the Every Name Matters project.

Every year, the Friends pay €50 in financial support in exchange for a number of benefits.

In 2023, Kazerne Dossin received 135 financial gifts from private individuals and families of victims.


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With thanks to

All the achievements in 2023 could not have been possible without the passion and commitment of all the employees, guides, volunteers, and trainees of Kazerne Dossin.

The members of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly are also instrumental to the activities of Kazerne Dossin.

Kazerne Dossin also wishes to thank all its partners, sponsors, and Friends for their support. We also wish to thank the family members and friends of victims for their donations and gifts:

ALAVA – AWDC – Brussels-Capital Region – Cera – Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) – The Belgian National Lottery – Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah – Fondation Privée Ruth et Willy Berler – Fondation Simon & Lina Haïm – International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) – KBC – King Baudouin Foundation – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belgium – Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations, New York – City of Mechelen – Stichting van het Jodendom van België/Fondation du Judaisme de Belgique – Government of Flanders – Flemish Ministry of Education

Mr Norbert Vos-Obstfeld